Shortcut keys for Squarespace

Free Tool

If you have been using Squarespace for a while you will remember when you could access the tools with a simple hover. While the new workflow makes Squarespace more user-friendly for those building/editing on tablets it has added an extra step that can slow the workflow especially if you are building sites regularly.

You can now access Squarespace and SquareKicker tools faster with these shortcut keys. In edit mode, hold shift to see the Squarespace grid for every block on the page. Hold shift and click on a specific block to open the Squarespace edit tools. And to instantly open SquareKicker tools hold Control/Alt and click on the block you wish to edit. Watch the video to see these time-saving tools in action.

This feature is available free to all SquareKicker users. The shortcuts will work on any site where SquareKicker is installed, even if the SK subscription has expired including free trials.

Get your free trial today


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